Sunday the 17th of May, at Watford Colosseum  was more than just  A Deja vu, It was a day that everyone had been waiting for as ZIM PRAISEAn International Gospel Group from Zimbabwe, visited Watford for the very first time and embraced the evening with Soft notes, electrifying voices and puzzles of crafted music beyond words.

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From Start to finish, the fusion of the most beautiful voices empowered the audience with an organised gospel engine of structured collective voices.

Zim praise is an International and Praise Worship Group of Christian musicians from different backgrounds and denominations that have come together as a Praise family. They were founded in 2006 with head office at 69 Central Avenue, Harare.

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AFRICA4U and ZIM LINK were at the event conducting Video Interviews with the talented performing artists of The Zim praise Team.
The precision, The craft and the collective harmony of family voices was an art in itself that left me speechless and tickled the substance of my bones with a raw moving feeling.

To put the icing on the cake, each of the members wore a smile filled with life, love and new energy.

Also present at the event was The Gospel Music Icon and legend – Mechanic Manyeruke who also entertained the crowd with a deliberate craft of nostalgic numbers.

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I got talking with this great man during the interlude and was instantly overwhelmed by his humility and his grace.
He told me of his previous music tours to Germany, Austria and Holland

For years, for decades and for generations, Music not only represents the voices and the engine of Life, it entails the spirit of our stories, the tempo and the substance of societal norms and values, but most importantly, Music represents Life.

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In Africa, Music is Life and Life is Music and from different regions, the same old story is painted with metaphors of different shades.

ZIM PRAISE – is definitely an International Family Gospel Group to look out for, definitely one of the best International Gospel groups I have watched for a very long time

full images here 

by Tony Tokunbo Eteka Fernandez



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