Weekend! Weekend!
Is that you I hear calling from the other side of 5 O’Clock?
Your voice is like an explosion of sweet delight in the belly of my soul
You make me forget the arduous torture of that slave driver, Monday
So ruthless, she doesn’t care that we shared the sweet embrace of church on Sunday
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are just as ruthless, indifferent to my plight
Weekend! O Weekend! Where have you been all my life?
O my lover, I’ve been here all along, stuck between Friday and Monday
Inga wani we meet 52 times in a year? Don’t worry we shall be together soon
Weekend! O Weekend! How my soul longs for you
My focus quickly begins to dwindle the moment the clock hits 4 O’ Clock
The last hour of work on Friday like the epic season finale of 24
Featuring me as Jack Bauer, I’m running out of time
My heart bleeds for you NOW!!
Weekend! O Weekend! When will you come to me?
O my gracious lover, patience is a virtue,
Do not awaken love until it so wishes
We shall be together soon, even if it is for just a short respite
I count down the minutes too when we shall be together
16:59 reads the time on my clock
My heartbeat racing, Formula 1 in my chest
Adrenalin pumping through my veins as I anticipate
The beep on my watch as the clock strikes 17:00
Now I feel like Peter after the miraculous escape
Escape from this mundane work which at times drains me
Weekend! Weekend! I’m now free my love
Where are you now so I can embrace you my dove?
I’m now breathing easier anticipating spending time with her
When my boss steps in and is like “MANGWANA KUNE OVERTIME!!”
© Kurai “Mombez” Mombeshora