Tip Of The Week: Get Your Kids To Eat!

Get your kids to eat their food

Inspired by a question asked in response to this month’s food article.

Getting your kids to eat good/healthy food can be quite a chore. The following are tips on how to motivate your kids to eat and enjoy their food.

1)  Maria Montessori- the ‘queen of play’ I call her, advocates for play to be incorporated in children’s learning. The same applies to food. Therefore, make eating fun by incorporating play during preparation.

2) Presentation is everything. Cut those fruits, vegetables, bread slices into exciting shapes and make the food arrangement on their plate appealing.

3) Don’t rush their meal times. Children eat more when they take their time.

4) Let them help you prepare the food and give positive reinforcement. This gives them a sense of ownership and achievement.

5) Use healthy additives, condiments, and toppings to add flavour to your food.

6) Practise what you preach!

I hope it helps!

Bertha Mukodzani is a registered Nurse and the author of the book A life steered.



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