The Scribe Gives His Thoughts On Women, Society and #16DaysOfActivism


The 16 days of activism against women violence is something that really matters to me as an individual because some ladies close to me have at some point seen themselves as victims of the instant domestic Shariah law applied by their husbands or boyfriends.
Thank God for institutions like Msasa project and Girl child network, to mention only a few who have been fighting for the plight of abused females across the country on a regular basis.

This gives ladies independence, a feel of equality and some fortification from Gender based violence which is a good thing, but not entirely.

We know women are the torch bearers to the brightening process of the country’s future, and we have been blessed over the years by independent women who strive hard to excellence the likes of Bona Mugabe, Jestina Mukoko, Muzvare Betty Makoni to mention only a fraction.

But in all honesty we have also been cursed by the destructive type of ladies as well, the likes of (Fill in the gap). Im sure you know one or two prominent female social deragators who live in our midst.

My heart bleeds everytime i walk into a club or party setup, the number of ladies who are underdressed for the occasion are now a common feature. And i always ask myself, “Does this reflect the values of a true African woman?”.

If being underdressed was the furthest they could get to i would not really find the essence of devoting time to write this article, It is the gyrating and binge drinking that depresses me. If you follow local press H metro to be precise you will find that acts of infidelity involving married men and teenage girls are one of the most covered issues, Mbuya Nehanda must be turning in her grave.And people ask why the Hiv infection rate is on a rise?

Casual sex is now part of a young girls behavioural catalogue something which was not frequent in the pre twerking era. Where will get our wives from, and please don’t tell me about church, On one occasion i met a lady in a club, she had forgotten to remove the wristband which denotes the congregation she belongs to, i won’t say the name of the church because it is a reputable church and they will not
hesitate to file for a lawsuit against me and my beloved Zimlink. My point is the same ladies who steal the show in clubs are the same ladies who lead praise and worship in most cases, so beware brother
Female independence has given ladies the artillery to destruct not only themselves but the society at large, as the old adage goes
“Musha mukadzi”with society being applied as the home I see no hope for the human race.
We might declare the 16 days of activism to protect them and create awareness but these ladies need only 30 minutes of self reflection to note where they are steering the nation.
We will play our part to ensure that the delicate sex is not abused in any form, but these may be wasted efforts if the ladies abuse theirselves through drug abuse and dating older men for material gains to list but a few.
If women are free and independent as perceived, why do they enter functions for free? It takes common sense to note that your presence is not valued but is being used as a bait to lure men, this is some form of slick psychological exploitation if you ask me.

Allow me to say “vana vapanduka”  brothers be careful in a world where ladies fear curfews and public indecency arrests more than God, i rest my case.

Leroy Lee Millz Dzenga


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