The BlackOut – Zimbabwean Krump Xposed


Have you ever heard of Krump? When most people hear the word, they immediately picture people just jumping around and waving their arms frantically (Come on I know you do that). To me it was just another hip-hop dance, but I learnt something new this past weekend. Krump is not just a word or just a dance.

It is actually an acronym which stands for








Apparently it is a Christian way of praising in the form of dance. I will tell you more about what it is and how it came about at a later date.

There was a krump workshop dubbed “The Blackout” which was held on Saturday the 4th of January. This was actually the 1st of its kind in Zimbabwe. It was held at the Mt.Pleasant Hall, and it brought together krumpers mainly from Harare and some from Bulawayo as well. Tendai Guzha of Dance 1st International worked with Tanya “T-Slave” Muranda and Keith “Radical Discipline” Mudakureva of the Lethal Fam Crew  to organize this event which sought to give krumpers a chance to meet up, interact and share ideas on how to advance their craft. There aren’t so many opportunities for that in Zim at the moment. The formation of the Harare Krump Society might change all that though.


The Harare Krump Society (HKS) which was born during this workshop seeks to bring together all krumpers in Harare to become one and provide a platform for clean and constructive competition at the same time maintaining the Christian praise state of mind. During this workshop, people got to learn what krump is all about, and there were also a few people who didn’t know anything about krump who actually learnt a move or 2 from the choreography lessons held on this day.


I used to be a dancer myself back in the day, believe it or not, and I have always been fascinated by dancers, even after I quit. Krump is one of those type of dances where you just get lost in watching somebody do it especially if they are really good.


I hope these guys can actually take this to national level so that they end up having a Zimbabwe Krump Society or something like that. I would love to see this movement grow!! There is so much talent in Zimbabwe guys, so much talent.



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