All New Zimlink Magazine Redesign

Counting down to January 10th 2018

Dear readers,

We founded Zimlink in 2013, offering a platform for Zimbabwe to the world. Over years the Zimlink family has changed and improved the lives of thousands. Zimlink has showcased African talent to the global community. We set up an NGO in Malawi, launched the careers of aspiring artists while supporting grass roots organisations and so much more. Zimlink created a new model to do business lighting the shadows, shouting to the world Africa is the future.

The Zimlink Magazine has been up and running for 4 years and has undergone many changes, the concept was created by myself Zac Darkes way back in 2012 and with the help of the first Editing Chief Michael Mcpotar Mupotaringa and his team (Zimbabwe). With a youth Team headed up by Chante-Laah Murs (UK). The Zimlink Magazine got off to a flying start in 2014.

Now in January 2018 the Zimlink Magazine will undergo a redesign. Making it easier than ever to join and access Zimlink encouraging the free exchange of information and promotion of Africa. We will have a new UK editor Nomanono Nonokazi Isaacs also a new south African editor Laston Mavhunga, and Tennyson S’phongo Ncube the Zimbabwe editor. Several new family members will also be coming on board or taking a more active role such as Farai Muvuti, Ceciliah Chigwada, Ivan Mudzudzu and Nikita D’sliver. Please bear with us over the next month while is upgraded, the site will be down for a few days.

Zimlink is completely independent and self-funded. You the readers and contributors are what makes the online magazine work. Zimlink is open to everyone any age, any socio-economic background, any religious or political persuasion. As such we exist for us all to realise we are all part of the same family. Brothers and sisters join us for the next 5 years become part of the change become part of the future.

January will also mark one of the biggest projects to date. Zimlink will be raising capital over 2018 to create a Hub in Harare, followed by one in Bulawayo. The Hubs will provide education, professional media services, internet access and training to the communities. Following the success of the Zimlink – Lawilink Hub in Malawi. We aim to invest over $600,000 (£450,000) to build hubs in Zimbabwe then grow the model across the rest of the SADC region Africa and the world.

We are all part of one family, diverse cultures coming together to realise a future. A future in which Africa leads the world guiding it through the next century. My family, the youth of Africa, will change this world with open minds, and a greater understanding of the global community we live in. The youth will shape the face of the African continent by propelling our world into a new beginning and by rediscovering a history once lost and building societies and systems to replace the models that exist today.

The world is at our feet. Let us pick it up, create new societies and remould the old. Look to the future whilst re-discovering the roots of Africa and the energy is in us all.

Join us as we run into a new Africa born from the old!



Zac Darkes

CEO & Founder


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