Miss Harare Junior 2013 Auditions This October


Miss Harare Junior 2013,The Harare city Junior Council has been hosting the acclaimed Miss
Harare junior since time in millennium and its that time again when we start searching for Miss Harare.
This year, however, we have added a new twist, one of the main purposes of this is to discover
talent among our youths…so we added a category for designers, where they design outts for
models and get the models to strut them on the ramp, showcasing their talent….
The auditions for Miss Harare 2013 will be held on the 26th of October 2013 at Harare Gardens.All
models are to register before the auditions either at Townhouse along Julious Nyerere or online on
the Facebook page, Miss Harare Junior 2013.Come dressed to kill and all are to bring a pair of heels…
So come audition and you could be the next Miss Harare….

Contact: Audrey Tirivanhu.
Cell: +263772979437


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