Meet Deanroy And Kizzle : Do you think They Are The Future



I happened to come across an independent hip-hop outfit from High-field in Harare known as Young Zimz Business. Y.Z is run by Deanroy and Denny Kizzle, who have been working on a project with Elz Marlonaire from the group FIO (which is popular in Highfields). The project will be entitled Dzika Dhaza (which in shone slang means, come down).

The outfit started out in 2012 with their first single as Living My Life by DJ Mbale. Deanroy has also done some solo projects with DJ Mbale, Thari Kris, Maffcate and an Australian DJ known as Rafael Sasina. The boys brought their music to my attention when they said they were exporting Zim-hip-hop to Australia. They brag of 2000 soundcloud plays (which is not easy to come by) which they got due to the help of Rafael. Denny kizzle the other member also has solo tracks, among them  Proud Of My city expected  to be in his forthcoming album #Toramari. The song has also been produced by Beatscraze from Australia and one song was produced by Ziggy Zee (Zim).

It is good to see young talent make effort to use the internet to link up with foreign talented people. I urge Deanroy and Denny Kizzle to continue on the path and to also learn so they can teach others. All file sharing sites are social networks in themselves and the people that share music on them care about music, they are likely to play your songs if you spend at least one day a week using soundcloud as if it were your Facebook.



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