Let Me Love You, Now – Poem By Anna T. Gowera



Let me quench

My thirst

With the aura of your breath;

Let me cover my head

With your chest.

Forbid me not to drown in your arms,

Let me love you now!


Let me sink my teeth

Into your skin,

So I all-time have

A piece

Of you

In my within.

Let me stroke the hairs on your arm

With my own

And you,

Shut your eyes to all

But this song.


Fierce love

Like eagle eyes

Blazing fire

As from a dragon’s nose



Like lamb wool


Like deep water pool

Wrap me, darling, in your smile!


Let me hold you

And erase all that was ever loathe to you.

With my hands,

Let me trace you…

Your tears-

Let them choke you;

So you cough up all your heartache

And have only room for me,

For our sake.


Let me in

To you –

Let’s be one,

No more two.

Let me wear you like a cloak

Over my bare shoulders

And let all fear fizzle,

Let it smoulder.


Come close, let me

Squeeze you

Like a breeze you

Feel on your face

When night

Precedes the dawn


My lover, my love,

Be not my

Fleeting dove.

But let me show you,

My love;

Let me love you now!


©Anna T. Gowera



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