Jazzy AfroJazz Artist Interview – Say Hello to Selmor Mtukudzi


If you have not once thought to yourself, “Afro-Jazz, where have I been all your life?!” it is (almost) certain that you have not been slapped in the face by our exceptional Zimbabwean version of it. In particular, we bring you Selmor Mtukudzi. Eyes just widened, didn’t they? That’s right; Selmor Mtukudzi. Even though she is the daughter of acclaimed superstar Oliver Mtukudzi, that is not her claim to fame. Having put in her own hours to make a name for herself, Selmor has risen in the ranks and even so far toured places like Namibia, South Africa, Finland and the United Kingdom. And you know that thing when you go to an “upcoming artist’s” concert and you sit with arms crossed, face scowled and mouth turned up, to intimidate said artist or whatever? Well, you won’t be able to keep up that façade for long when Selmor hits the stage! Married to musician Tendai Manatsa – son of Zex Manatsa of the “Tea Hobvu” fame, here’s what the bombshell had to say:

selmor black n yt

Anna T: Please tell, who is Selmor?

Selmor: Selmor is a born artist, singer songwriter, a wife, a mother, a daughter.


Anna T: When and why did you start making music?

Selmor: I started singing when I was very young. I believe I was born to be a musician.


Anna T: Your father is a well-known musical guru. Did he make it easy for you to break into music?

Selmor: My father did not make anything easy for me ‘coz it wasn’t up to him whether I break into the industry or not. It was all up to me. It wasn’t easy, but I did it.


Anna T: What was it like growing up in a musical family?

Selmor: It was a lot of fun. We would always sing with my sisters, teaching each other new songs and all. It was great!


Anna T: Do you write your own music? Also, what is the inspiration for your music?

Selmor: I write my own music with some help from my husband Tendai. I’m inspired by life in general, things that happen to me or the people around me.


Anna T: And what instruments do you play?

Selmor: I play mbira ne Hosho. (See pics below for each of the respectively named instruments.)

selmor_mtukudzi   selmor hosho cropped

Anna T: Anyone that has seen you perform will likely agree that you have a great stage presence. How do you achieve that?

Selmor: I don’t think I have a formula, it’s just who I am. Maybe it’s my dressing. I’m dressed by the label “Yanai”.

selmor and sandra

Anna T: And your strong voice- is that all nature’s doing?

Selmor: It’s all nature…lol


Anna T: Do you get nervous before a performance? If yes, how do you handle it? And what advice for nervous beginners?

Selmor: I do, I just try to ignore it and focus on my performance. My advice is just calm down… or at least try to!


Anna T: How do you handle mistakes during a performance?

Selmor: I just carry on.


Anna T: Have you any tours or shows lined up?

Selmor: We have a tour planned for mid this year, and will give you details once the visas are in the passports 🙂


Anna T: And where can we get your music?

Selmor: My music is available on iTunes, Nokia Music and amazon.com


Anna T: How do you balance your music with other obligations; wife, mother, muroora?

Selmor: I just try the best I can. I make sure when I’m at work I concentrate on work and when I’m home, I’m completely at home.


Anna T: Selmor in three words?

Selmor: Artist, mother, introvert.


Anna T: Finally, a word from the wise to the weary?

Selmor: Work hard and never give up!

selmour album cover


A woman devoted to both her family and her career, Selmor should make the cover of Women Empowerment magazine (when it’s created, that is! :)). Learn more about Selmor on her site: www.selmormtukudzi.com or connect with her on Facebook: Selmor Mtukudzi

Take a listen to Selmor’s song ft Mathias Mhere, “Ndinochengetwa”, here: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/d0l82pf0adf2ccy/Selmor+Mtukudzi+ft+Mathias+Mhere+-+Ndinochengetwa.mp3

And watch her newest video (Nguva Yangu) here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WA6I6Clrh0


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