If You Love Me by Anna T Gowera


“Anna is becoming a household name, in poetry circles isn’t she?”


If you love me like I love you

Then you must love me

A lot!

If you relish me like

Like I do you

Then from you

I must never be lost!


If the fire of your passion burns

A hole through your heart

And chars with every bleeding drop

And if your eyes glaze over with misty haze

As you sweep off into peculiar craze

Then you love me like I do you!


If your soul aches and innards tremble

Because you miss me so

And you hanker to call at every waking chance

Yet dare not smother me;

If you yearn and long for our meeting time

And a glance of heartfelt smile

Or the bubbly sound of my cheery laugh

Then Love, sweet Love,

My Turtle-dove

You love me like I do you.


And if you love me

Like I love you,

If you pleasure-sigh

At our many memories

And care to hold my hand

Then, my friend,

My one beloved

Your life is beauty-full!



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