Heavy Things


The burden of a secret that was never yours

Rakes like eagle talons and grizzly claws.

Stumbled upon or searched for,

Once you know you cannot ignore.


One, two, buckle my shoe;

Climb a lil’ higher – reach for the belt.

Thoughts imagined and feelings felt,

Tales of frizzy hairs and two sticking like glue.


The burden of a secret that was never yours!

Do you open your mouth or stick to the clause?

Is it to forgive or to make yours –

Unbecoming secret for someone else to disclose?


Get calm, breathe; maybe grit your teeth,

Walk it off when you begin to seethe.

Closed-off chapters and envelopes sealed…

“There is nothing hid that shall not be revealed.”


by Anna T. D. Gowera




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