Golden leaves of autumn thank you for the changes. I am thankful and welcome the change of season. While it is still like summer, where I am, there are times, now and again when I am reminded by a bit of a chill in the air, that it is autumn and also because it is getting darker earlier. In fact, this coming Sunday the clocks are going back!

The golden carpet of leaves around me make me feel thankful for this change. I find myself eager to have the season’s change and looking forward to what is in store during the coming few months, when it is no longer Autumn but Winter.


Are you ready for this change of season? I am learning to accept change at every moment. I am learning that changes are not necessarily huge life changing situations, but can just be waking up in the morning intending to do a particular thing or process, then within a short time, another more interesting idea comes up and that feels good to follow.

Golden leaves of autumn thank you for the changes

Like today, I had a plan to do certain things, and I even wrote them down in the order I was going to do them in. Within thirty minutes, I was in my car, driving somewhere, because the weather was beautiful, and it felt like a good idea, to just get out and drive. And I really had a wonderful time in the process.

With the change of seasons I am also eager to see the change they bring of the currently unknown. The weather for instance. Are we going to have a snowy winter? Is it going to be a mild winter? Are we going to have a white Christmas? Anyway, right now it really does not matter what it turns out to be. Whatever the seasons turn out to be, they are perfect for that time!

Even if humanity was able to control weather changes, like they are able to, in some Star Systems, such as Andromeda, as I understand, I don’t think it would be easy to come to an agreement on the temperature which would be suitable for everyone, here on Planet Earth, because we all have different needs and choices. Not everyone wants a hot weather and not everyone wants a cold weather. But I think it would be a very exciting challenge for those who would be in charge of the weather, to try and come up with the temperature that leaves not a single human being, complaining. 

Golden leaves of autumn thank you for the changes

There is so much momentum. It is as if there are fewer hours in a day and yet the time has not changed, it is till the same hours in a day. I think this is a good thing so I can see what happens in my reality. What FUN things do I get to experience? Well, I am only going to think about fun things. Life is meant to be fun. I now understand that the whole purpose of our presence here is to enjoy life.  The original intention was for us to have a good time, while here. However, it has not been like that at all.

Since we have choices, then I choose to experience good things. So I am going to focus on good things coming into my life. I am telling myself that everyday is definitely a good day. We do not say ‘Good Morning or Good Day’ for no reason. To whoever created these terms of observations and greetings, I say ‘thank you.’

I thank the golden leaves of autumn because they are speaking to me and telling me that changes are here. We really never know what changes are going to show up in our reality, however, I am ready and eager for the changes that are ahead. I am expecting something far better than I have ever experienced! So there. My choice.

Today on my travels I had great imagination that made me laugh, most of the time. I want to do this everyday. Not necessarily when I am out driving, but when I am out walking as well. I did not need to have someone with me to have a laugh. I had me in stiches, with my wild imagination. Try it sometime.

Do you have a favourite season or months? Earlier this year I visited Norway for the first time. A friend who invited me to visit, told me to visit around May because they have longer summer nights. First of all, last year, in 2017 they had the heaviest snow for years in Norway. It was still snowing at the beginning of May 2018. And when the thaw came it caused  flooding which was not a surprise. I visited Norway during the last week of May 2018.

When I landed, it was as if I was in an African country. It was very hot and the sunny nights were truly long. It was like the sun never set but for an hour or two, in my perception. I enjoyed that very much. So, what the weather is going to be this winter, anywhere, is anybody’s guess. I am just thankful and appreciate the changes that come with each season.

Stay very blessed.



SOURCENomanono Isaacs
Previous articleShout out to Gettie Diamond
Nomanono Isaacs
I am Nomanono Isaacs. Author of Escaping Apartheid-A Letter to My Mother. I was born in the Republic of South Africa. I am So Thankful to have this opportunity to share through this column, who I was and what inspires me now as I evolve everyday. I am very different today from the angry, resentful and hating person I was before I escaped South Africa. These emotions were brought by an incident that happened to my mother. Two young white boys set an Alsatian dog onto her. My own Mama, was inspirational to my change, to FORGIVE! In spite of her experience, she had a huge LOVING heart. When she realised how angry and resentful I had become, she kept saying: "Please forgive them my daughter. Please forgive them." I did not forgive overnight, however, she activated a seed of Love in me.


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