East to West


Zimlink CEO Zac Darkes has been travelling across Africa from the west coast of Namibia to the warm heart of Africa Malawi en route to Zimbabwe to meet with the Zimlink family there.

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In partnership with the Gondwana group & computers4Africa. Through Namibia Zimlink exchanged with the orphan’s at Sunrise welfare organization in Kunene region, the Iyalo Sewing project, Katutura soap Project, Penduka development trust in Windhoek and Mayuni Senior secondary school in Choi area. As well as touring the southern Gondwana lodges. There will be a more in depth review and brake down of the Gondwana group, with their ground breaking approach to tourism in upcoming articles.

“Gondwana represents the future of tourism in Africa, having had the opportunity to view the business from the ground up, I am stunned at the pride professionalism and dedication to the company. With a discount card for Namibian and SADAC members, everyone has a chance to enjoy Namibia at is best. By working with the local communities and supporting training education within the group Gondwana set a high standard. The social and environmental sustainability projects create a model witch I personally have learnt a great deal from.””

Zac Darkes Zimlink CEO

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Zimlink offered Gondwana group in exchange for Room and board across Namibia images and promotional videos. After researching the company, following a glowing report from zimlink’s Eugine Ulman. Interested to find out more about the largest tour operator in Namibia and the impact on the areas and communities it works with.

We also linked up with the Omega bed and breakfast in Walvis Bay. Johan and his family went above and beyond to make us feel at home. With some 4×4 driving lessons in the dessert repairing the damage to the Zimlink truck after the dashboard was ripped out whilst in the care of the mnt “Secure pound” they didn’t need to brake as thy had the key, 3 days passing the blame meetings and leaving us to fill out a claim for insurance, with little to know help from our agent… Johan patched up the dash board and lent us he’s support, a kindness we will never forget.

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We did not waste the delay in Walvis Bay we linked up with a community school and interviewed a community ambulance crew. With long hour’s hard work and a smile these guys lead by a Romanian dentist saving lives and caring for a wide area.

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Now Zac and his team have hit Malawi and whilst waiting for the exemption certificates from the MRA in Malawi. Zac has registered the newest member of the family Lawilink as an NGO in Malawi and has started building a solid foundation.

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