Crushed, Hurt & Alone. . . by Safiyya Kassim #16DaysOfActivism #Poetry


She was young, had her whole life to see.
But now she’s crushed, hurt & alone.
Could have been anything she wanted to be.
But she was crushed, hurt & alone.
Countless nights she cried herself to sleep,
Feeling crushed, hurt & alone.
He’d come home from his long drinking sprees,
& leave her crushed, hurt & alone.
Beat her to a pulp; leave her bleeding deep,
Crushed, hurt & alone.
She felt like the world was the enemy;
Chose to stay crushed, hurt & alone.
Remained voiceless, she chose not to speak.
Coz she felt crushed, hurt & alone.
Blamed it all on loyalty to him.
But now she’s crushed, hurt & alone.
All she feared was poverty,
Leaving her crushed, hurt & alone.
But he took away her hope, pride & her dignity.
He left her crushed, hurt & alone.
Didn’t have the strength to stand up to him.
Now she’s crushed, hurt & alone.
To walk out that door, she was too weak.
& too crushed, hurt & alone.
Lack of confidence forced her meek to be, even when there was no need;
She was crushed, hurt & alone.
Still stood by after he made her sick;
All crushed, hurt & alone.
Couldn’t take it no more, mentally.
She was crushed, hurt & alone.
& as the beatings started to increase,
She became more crushed, hurt & alone.
Started wearing down on her physically,
Till she was crushed, hurt & alone.
Then one day he went to the extremes;
& now there she lies in a 6 ft” ditch. . .
Crushed, hurt & alone!

© Safiyya Kassim 26/11/13

Joining the #FightAgainstWomenAbuse



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