Clearing the Air : Potar Speaks On Tatea, B.Sun, MMT, Black Bird, Krimz


I have been writing a lot on Zim-hip-hop beef lately and I’d like to disclose my position in Zimhip-hop today. Who d0 I run with and why do I run with them. Also to explain the pure importance of my transparency as a blogger and some of the things I do which are not so good.

Last Sunday I dropped a little video of  Black Bird and Tatea the emcee soon after I read something about them being suspected to be in some sort of affair. I have no beef with the two but I thought they’d be fun to animate and it would be something really different from me typing it here or my site. In other words I seek to blog news in another way using animation as a tool hence the animation of Begotten Sun’s Lights Out within it’s first 12 hours of release. Begotten Sun made word play attacks at MMT but didn’t quite mention them, I was tempted to animate them (MMT) getting the Bhutsu’s but I replaced that part with 2 of my characters because I realized that would have been crossing the line, especially a few days after the Tatea clip. By the way remember I am human, I like jokes, but I’m also afraid of them being taken the wrong way and inheriting beefs I don’t know. I do however enjoy animating stuff I find rather funny. I respect Xndr a lot, he’s good to work with, I usually never understand some of my people getting mad at him. See that’s the difference between me and them, I find his provocative statuses funny.

My appeal as a creative though to hip-hop people out there is , allow me to troll you, to make cartoons of you and to make humour articles on you. It’s more fun, and if we meet up let’s not beat each other up over that matter, it is only entertainment. I have a day job unrelated to blogging so am obviously on this space for the love. I don’t care about the Samora borders because there’s no Samora where I’m from, when you make hip-hop about Samora, you alienate us people from other cities. In fact i think creating a dichotomy around Samora is disrespect  of what the name-sake stood for…. Unity. I am about to travel to Harare right now, will look for Xndr and get my copy of MMT LP. Funny some people think I shouldn’t cop that LP just because they don’t like MMT and they are caught up in this whole division… (some people don’t know how it began).

See Begotten mentioned a lot in his Lights Out… issues like the circus issue. Now all you independent artists that go out there and talk about these divisions like you know them, what do you know about the circus issue? I thought so… very little.  I was going to blog about Black Bird and Naida Beef but I realized I had surface knowledge and speculation, moreover from one side, so I chilled. But even with my surface knowledge I would have animated that stuff but wait.. that would be strike 2 at Black Bird. I  have no beef with her, but she’d start to think I do. Krimz has been given a spot on this blog many times on issues Xndr would consider shots at him but once again, I respect the 2 and would like to see them share the same vision. If any of them raises an issue that needs to be talked about I will give them a space. Krimz Beatz is becoming popular with upcoming artists because he gives them beats for free but most times we also forget how Xndr pushes his set of young ones to work.

My independent opinion is that, it seems here no one would like to be left out. The advocacy of everyone being played on radio is not logical with over 8,000 indies that would mean, if you hear Noble styles track this afternoon the next time (for fairplay) the radio would have to play it is next year around this time. by that time there would be new tracks. Radio is trying to be consistent with a certain set of hits at a time to keep their audience so the underground should not interfere with the mainstream. Are you underground by choice or you’re underground because radio won’t play your attempts at being commercial. Do you blame your bad knowledge of music marketing on bands who invested in publicity managers?

I want to give you guys some homework here. ask yourself why the media would run a story on Tatea, Black bird, P.O.Y, MMT, Outspoken… <insert big name here> but never you. Ask yourself why i opened a personal blog…? Then ask yourself why Tehn has a publicity manager? Ask your self what a publicity manager does… research. If Facebook is the only tab open in your browser most times, you plan to fail. Study, study, study.

Finally who do I run with? I run with #BeyondRap and 1 in every 15 rappers you know is a part of it, no matter which side of Samora they are. Have a great weekend



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