Bulawayo Board of Designers (BBD) Attend The National Tree Planting Day by Annie Maliki


The Bulawayo Board of designers (BBD) is an organization that was established on the 30th of January 2014 by 20 talented designers from the city of kings. The main aim of the organization is to revive the clothing industry in the city which was once the industrial capital of Zimbabwe.  They realized that individual efforts do not give much results and the only way to make an impact would be to join forces and reshape the industry.

In less than a month of its formation the BBD has become very active in the community activities in and around Bulawayo. They attended the National Tree Planting Day at Makokomba Primary school in Mguza. Usually Tree planting day is held in December and it was not done then because of the rains but the government decided it should be done because most areas in Matabeleland were badly affected by the hailstorms  that occurred in November last year.

The school’s roofing was destroyed by the hailstorms. It is said that the intensity of the damage would have been less if the location of the school had trees around that would act as a shield.

The day started on a good note as members of the BBD were up and about helping set up and did the décor before the function started. They mixed and mingled with members of the community while planting the trees. We were entertained by the children from surrounding schools but I must say that the Drama club from St. James High School caught my attention. The girls are very talented so for all the filmmakers out there please visit the school when scouting for talent. Then just before the day ended the BBD were given the opportunity to introduce themselves to the community.

Also in attendance was the secretary to the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Dr O.M.Mpofu, the DA for Mguza District Mrs. Gloria Round, The Forestry Commission, local councilors, the chief and headmen, representatives from surrounding schools, Mbira tours and Safari, as well as local residents.

By Annie Maliki

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