UK University Student Racially Abused

When a student leaves home to go to university they leave believing in gaining an education, learning new things, being independent, making new friends. Miss Rufaro Chisango did not decide to go to university to receive any racial abuse from anyone.

Miss Rufaro Chisango

We were saddened by the news that a young student was being racial targeted at her university outside her dorm.


It’s sad to say in 2018 racism still exists. The young lady Rufaro Chisango did the right thing, she did not confront her attackers, however recorded evidence of the racial hatred she was receiving from those whom she shared with in her living quarters with at Trent University.
Through the power of social media, her footage which she filmed was shared online and viewed 3.6 million times on Twitter. Not only did celebrities come to support but also members of parliament, the student unions, students, tutors and board members across the country including those at Trent University. Through all this justice certainly was made, last Wednesday Nottingham police arrested two young males for their racial outbursts targeted at Rufaro.


Although there were certain words which were audible, no young student should ever have to go through a racial attack as such that occurred.


When a student leaves home to go to university they leave believing in gaining an education, learning new things, being independent, making new friends. Miss Rufaro Chisango did not decide to go to university to receive any racial abuse from anyone.


Nobody is saying racism has gone away, because evidently it hasn’t, racism clearly still exists, it’s how we manage it and deal with the matter. Let’s be honest, Rufaro Chisango could have chosen to take matters into her own hands and confront the individuals, however she chose to video evidence and share it for the world to see.

We at Zimlink would like to say, Rufaro Chisango we are deeply saddened by what happened to you, we wish you nothing but the best for you and your time at university. We hope that you may never encounter such an experience like this again and we wish you nothing but success, surrounded by supportive and loving people.



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