Hello, I hope you are still as excited about 2015 as I am. I love Africa and let us celebrate our continent by cherishing our film industry. Mind you, Africa film industry is growing slowly so don’t expect the superb quality you get from the Western countries. Have fun reading my review and, for this particular film, you can view it on YouTube. Click on the link below this review to watch it and remember to share your comments about the film.

My film reviews will never contain spoilers



Film: IBARA (Catastrophe)

Produced by One Film Production

Genre: Action

Origin: Rwanda

Director and Writer: Thomas Nkusi

Assistant Director: Charles Gasana and Nduwumukiza Olivier

Casts: Thomas Nkusi, Charles Gasana, Cynthia Kayihura, Richard Barinda, Assia Mutoni, Eugene Nkota and many more…



Thomas Nkusi is one of a few famous actors and passionate producers that are connecting the Rwanda film industry to the outside world.  He owns One Film Production, a company he founded in 2003.

In a 2013 interview, Nkusi urged young people to be creative and hard-working in whatever they do.

“I believe that thoughts lead to actions, everyone can find something fulfilling to do as long as you have an idea. Nothing can stop you. It is sad when youth sit around and complain about whatever problems, instead of investing their time and energy to improve their livelihood,” he says.

“I am a testimony to the fact that creativity can take you places.”

                                                                                                  Sources from




There is a romantic opening scene of ‘love at first sight’ between the main actors (Tony) and (Olga). The flirting between the two intensifies by the swimming pool and climaxes with both agreeing to go on a date. Tony is a sweet talker. He is tall, dark and handsome with puppy eyes. I call them seduction eyes. His confidence sparkles and the pretty Olga is unable to resist the handsome charmer.

I love you dear,” Tony says, in a soothing voice to Olga. The shy Olga quickly responds with a faint laugh and shy smile you would expect from a 13 year-old school girl who is experiencing a first time crush on a boy. “I love you too,” she says, then there is a sudden silence! Both characters are quiet and staring at their drinks on the table rather than at each other. This example of dull, quietness presented itself in dialogues between the characters in almost every scene in the movie. In most scenes, the characters appeared to be conscious of the camera and to have forgotten their lines while trying hard to remember what to say. The results are implausible, with many unexciting scenes that would have been much better if the actors had loosened themselves up and acted naturally.

Tony and Olga on their first date

C’mon Tony, say something… I am bored,” I said to myself, drinking the fourth cup of tea of the day (it’s really cold in London and though the radiator was on, I felt cold…) Well, somehow, Tony sort of hears my plea and he softly convinces Olga to lean in towards him as they walk, hand in hand, out of the venue. Though no kisses, they are officially a couple.


“Tony you are grown, have money and I think it is time to get married,” Tony’s dad, George, says to him when he sees him idle in his room.

Tony smiles and replies, Give me some time…

A few days have passed and Tony decides to introduce his new girlfriend to his dad.  He presents his sweetheart, to his father as a well-behaved lady that he might want to marry.  True love, seems to be written all over Tony’s face until George wipes it off with just one word, “UNACCEPTABLE!”

rwanda film
Sad Olga, complaint about Tony


George discovers after asking Olga to name her mother, that she was the daughter of his ex-fiancée. Before Tony was born, Olga’s mother, Esther, was George’s ex-fiancée. George had travelled to the UK to study medicine but when he came back years after; Olga’s mother had married his best friend, Fred.  Seeing that his dad was still hurt by being dumped by Esther, Tony vows to avenge what Olga’s mother did to him. But, it is this REVENGE on the innocent Olga that slowly exposes the darker side of Tony.

Who are Mr Jim and Mr Black?  This is the question troubling the Rwandan police force.  Alongside, the failing romance between Tony and Olga, one of the Rwandan police teams led by Inspector Prince, Olga’s brother, is being laughed at by two anonymous ring leaders. Under their pseudonyms, they have organised numerous kidnappings and the trafficking of young Rwandan girls as sex slaves abroad.  Unlocking the real names for Mr Jim and Mr Black is the key in bringing the police team closer to arresting them. But arresting two ruthless criminal leaders who are experts in their field is not going to be easy and more policemen lose their lives during a few encounters with these criminals.

Realism is somewhat 50/50 in this film. The action scenes between the police and the criminals are very laughable. In one scene, Mr Black with his so obviously fake dreadlocks is doing some amusing, spinning spiral, gymnastics while firing gunshots at Prince who is pursuing him. Though not such great action, it is surprisingly enjoyable to watch. I was laughing very hard and that is a good thing.  Other areas of unrealism were, yet again, from the acting. There were some occasions when the characters fail to connect with the audience.  For instance, Mr Black, fails to display any of the characteristics associated with a fearless criminal who is badly wanted by the police. His character never stands out in the film as being a leader compared with Mr Jim and, instead, he slides quickly into becoming Mr Jim’s puppet. Mr Black was dull, quiet and lacked confidence in his speech. He looked nervous and had the worst dreadlocks ever. Please, bring the scissors and let us chop off his hair.

About the Author


Ada Uzoije is a publishing manager and a fiction novelist, specialising in crimes, psychological thrillers and paranormal stories. Ada is a zealous film reviewer, a video editor and director.


 Click here to watch IBARA on YOUTUBE



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