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Health Link
Health matters with Bertha Mukodzani

You know what they say – if you haven’t got your health, you have got nothing. This couldn’t be more true which is why you won’t want to miss a dollop of health advice which will be brought to you on a monthly basis. The writings on this column will be original, experience- based, well researched, light hearted and entertaining. After all looking after your own health doesn’t have to be a chore!

As well as the monthly column, there will be regular and more frequent health tips to keep you ticking along, reminding you to keep yourself in check.

We all have different health needs; therefore, on this column all five areas of health which are, the physical, psychological, social, emotional and spiritual will be explored for your benefit over the months. So I am inviting you to ask any questions regarding what you would’ve read on this column, as well as to make your own contributions and observations on the comments section. Remember every little helps. Your health in your hands!


    • All secrets will be revealed on this health column, therefore, you will need to stay tuned 😉

  1. Your recent article on healthy eating i.e grains etc has challenged me.I do agree 100% with what you say and I trust that I shall start implementing some of these health reforms. Thank you for such an insightful article. Looking forward to the next article.I trust that you shall also accomodate a question and answer segment.

    • Thank you for your comment Privilege. I do welcome questions, comments and contributions of any kind. I wish you the best of luck as you try to implement these health reforms. Take care.


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