14 things you May Not Know about Anna T.D Gowera


Anna T Gowera -Zimbabwe female poetThis week we are focusing on a very talented female writer,  Anna T. D Gowera. She has been contributing a lot of poetry to Zimlink for a while and we just felt moved to let you find out more about her. I believe in knowing about her more you may see the motivation behind her work and in turn use that to find your own strength. So the motive of this post besides celebrating her uniqueness is to make you the reader relate to the artist in a motivational way. I will be going in more depth on Wednesday about her career and how she manages to be amazing at her craft.

1. Her other name is Deirdre. She has 3 given names and THEN a surname!
2. She is also known as Miss Tarie Ann, also as Poetella.
3. She is 1,74 meters tall.
4. She was a super shy child. Now the ‘super’ has been knocked off but a tinge of the ‘shy’ remains.
5. She loves to watch animated films.
6. She holds a Bachelor of Science with Honours Degree in Environmental Science and Health.
7. Miss Tarie Ann has written a children’s book. 🙂
8. She is a fan of extreme outdoor sport. Three things on her bucket list: sky diving, water skiing and white water rafting!
9. She looks athletic but can only run when it’s absolutely necessary to save her life!
10. She can speak 4 languages officially (English, Shona, Ndebele and German) and tit-bits of Afrikaans, Zulu, Sesotho, Nyanja and Nambia. Strong emphasis on “tit-bits”!
11. She is also a painter (albeit currently at amateur level),
12. And also a budding (chortle) culinary artist.
13. She doesn’t quite have a favourite colour, but believes that black can never steer you wrong. Light pink, “baby blue” and a sprinkling of yellow are also good for the soul.
14. She would love to have dinner with the President.



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